Wednesday, April 18, 2007

The Sunrise Dance Pt. 1

On Saturday night, I attended part of a Sunrise Dance by the Canyon Day rodeo fairgrounds. It is my understanding that quite a few Apache girls on this reservation still have Sunrise ceremonies. Here follows a conversation with two of my eighth-grade girls about the Sunrise Dance:

Me: Do a lot of girls still have Sunrise Dances?
Student 1: You mean at this age or do you mean nowadays?
Me: Nowadays.
Student 1: Yeah, a lot of girls do.
Me: Are there some who don't?
Student 1: Yeah, but most of them do.
Student 2: I'd say it's about half and half.
Student 1: Yeah, half and half.
Me: And the girls who don't, why don't they?
Student 1: Because it's expensive or because of religion.
Me: Did you have one?
Student 1: No.
Student 2: No, I was supposed to, but then I didn't.
Me to Student 1: Why didn't you have one?
Student 1: My grandma.
Me: Your grandma?
Student 1: My mom's side wanted me to have one, but my dad's family didn't. So I went with my dad's family.
Me: What religion is your grandma?
Student 1: Christian. It's usually Christians who have a problem with Sunrise Dances.

My friends and I went when we knew that the Crown Dancers would be dancing. They dance with the girls around a bonfire for several hours. The girls wear 50-lb. buckskin dresses, while the Crown Dancers have their faces covered to protect their identity; they represent the four directions. The medicine man chants and sings while the drummers beat on their drums. It is considered bad luck for a girl to touch the Crown Dancers' outfit, and they would hide their costumes in the hills. If a girl had bad luck, it was said that she'd found and touched the Crown Dancer's costume.


Blogger Linds said...

Wow, that sounds amazing! How old are the girls when they have these dances? We've been to a few quinceaneras out here, which sound similar in their purpose, and it's always awe inspiring how much these families put into them. Such different cultures. Love you, chica!

10:21 AM  

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