Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Spirits and Medicine Men

Last night, a strange twilight, almost spooky, like there was a living cloak draped over everything. It felt like the kind of dusk the spirits would walk. It was windy, somewhat dusty, and with a bit of moisture in the sky, making the sky feel chalky and luminescent. Everything seemed to glow and live. A hummingbird brushed by, and not two minutes later, a hawk swooped under the telephone wires, down past my back stoop, and off again, beating its wings slowly, musically on its ascent.

Speaking of ghosts, the medicine man recently revisited our school (it was blessed a few years ago). The school paid him a nice sum to bless the school, and he refused. We actually discussed in one of our staff meetings that the teachers should ask the medicine man to please come bless our school. He seemed to be refusing to come near the place.

Apparently, though, he was here over spring break, finding certain classrooms on my wing to be hot spots. I need to investigate further into this, because when I asked my source about his visit and what he found on the B-wing (rumored to be directly over burial grounds), my source said, "He probably didn't even go there." He also, apparently, refused to go in the gym.

He left us with blue vases, instructing us to put them into our classrooms to ward the spirits off, I suppose.

Is our school haunted? Let me just say that there are stories from many of us of furniture being rearranged; a small child being spotted in a locked computer lab--there one moment and gone the next; an old woman wandering the halls on Saturdays, when only one person is in the school; children crying and screaming when there's no one but janitors or office people here; and figures being seen in almost every classroom and every part of the building.

Do we collectively imagine them? Are we seeing only our own creations? Or are they real? Ghosts or noosphere? Spirits or energies, there's something.


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