Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Will we meet AYP?

Well, it's February. Today is our second snow day in a row. Tomorrow, there's a b-ball game, so the players will miss PM classes; Thursday is parent-teacher conferences, so it will be a half day for students; and Friday is our early release day so that we teachers can have our oh-so-important staff meetings.

Maybe it will be like last Friday when the art teacher with the not-at-all-overly-inflated ego (cough, cough) and the right-on-target sense of righteousness (ahem!) taught us about vocabulary instruction:

"You have to tell these Injuns that they're just as good as the White kids! You have to tell them that they're just as smart and capable!" (She didn't really use the word "Injuns," but what does this racially and culturally charged speech on building student self-esteem by comparing them to non-reservation students have to do with vocabulary instruction?)

But I digress. The point is that this quarter our students have missed four days for snow, one for the MLK holiday, many for basketball games, and have had (not counting Friday early release for staff meetings) three or four late starts/half days for weather.

AIMS (our standardized tests) are in early April. I feel like I have a lot of students who can pass, but whether or not they'll actually be prepared is a whole other issue. Boys and girls, it's time to study.


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